Exploring nature on the water allows children to experience wetland habitats from a unique perspective by boat on both Hickling and Ranworth Broads, both of which are teeming with wildlife. This project will help children of both primary and secondary age connect with this unique landscape in the Broads National Park using new equipment of binoculars and in a safe environment with the help of buoyancy aids.

Total Grant amount: £1,200
Applicant: Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Sponsor: Herbert Woods (Exclusive Sponsor)

Image courtesy of Richard Osbourne

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A new footbridge was required to replace the existing one which was not fit for purpose. The bridge connects Rockland St Mary car park, the Staithe and the Wherryman’s Way. The new bridge will enable access for all users including disabled visitors.

Total grant amount: £680
Applicant: Rockland St Mary Poor’s Trust

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Barbara Greasley, Norfolk Broads Direct (right) with Trustees of Bure Navigation Conservation Trust and Broads Trust

Love the Broads has funded one of six information boards between Coltishall Lock and Aylsham. Each board contains the history of the navigation and local places of interest together with local footpaths and pictures of fauna and flora along the route.

Total grant amount: £1,100
Grant Applicant: Bure Navigation Conservation Trust
Sponsor:Norfolk Broads Direct
(exclusive sponsor)

The board will be of a similar design to the image to the right.

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Many visitors to Hall Farm cottages have mobility challenges. Situated at the heart of the Broads National Park and close to Horning, Hall Farm has access to many paths, communities and to unspoilt beaches. However, normal wheelchairs are not able to access some of these areas due to their terrain. To offer all visitors access to all areas and to ensure an enjoyable experience for the less able as well as their carers, family and friends, an all-terrain wheelchair has been purchased. This will also be hired to other local accommodation providers, when available.

Total grant amount: £550
Grant applicant: Hall Farm cottages

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The Wherry Maud has only limited access to mains electricity at her base at Forsythe Wherry Yard and this is often insufficient for using power tools and as a mobile base for educational activities. This portable new generator will enable the attachment of tools and increase its ability to provide educational presentations and visits.

Total grant amount: £250
Grant applicant: Wherry Maud Trust

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