Love the broads is the Visitor Giving Scheme for the Broads National Park. It aims to inspire people to care for the environment through making a small donation at key tourism sites, through their accommodation provider, or by giving money directly.  If every visitor to the Broads National Park gave just £1 we could raise £7 million each year for projects to protect the Broads in the future.


How it works

Money is collected by the Broads Trust in a variety of ways and given to projects that will look after the beautiful landscapes and environment of the Broads. With your help, we work alongside local businesses and community groups to improve sustainable practices, and to make sure that the money raised goes to the places that need it most – so that the Broads National Park remains amazing and beautiful to visit.

Love the Broads is administered by the Broads Trust, an independent charity with Trustees from local businesses, the Broads Society and the Broads Authority.

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Norfolk Broads Direct has donated nearly £1,600 in 2018 to help to keep the Broads special.

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A massive thank you to Harry and James of Maycraft Boat Hire and Services of Potter Heigham and their customers for their fantastic support of Love the Broads.

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The Galley is leading the way in green tourism.

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Grateful thanks to the fabulous Boathouse at Rollesby for their amazing donation of £1,000 to help environmental and wildlife projects on the Broads.

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