Introduction of Fen Raft Spider to the Broads

The Broads has lost 67 species since the 1950s and research reveals that 423 rare species, including plants, insects and fish have not been recorded in the last 23 years. Projects such as this are the only way to secure the future of iconic wetland species.

This project, which is now completed, has enabled another new Broadland population of this rare and beautiful animal and to share the excitement with an ever growing audience.

Dr Helen Smith, who lead the project, commented in her completion report:

“We are very grateful to Love the Broads for their generous support for key elements of the Fen Raft Spider translocation programme between 2015 and 2018. During this period, the Broads Authority, and both Norfolk and Suffolk Wildlife Trusts also provided partnership funding to support the wider translocation and conservation programme. This recent phase of the programme built on earlier work financially supported by many organisations. These were led by Natural England and included the BBC Wildlife Fund and RSBP. The Sussex Wildlife Trust, 13 BIAZA-affiliated British Zoos and collections, and the Universities of East Anglian and Nottingham made other important contributions. Many individuals associated with these organisations, and many more volunteers from the region helped to make Broadland’s four new Fen Raft Spider populations a reality”

Total Grant amount: £750 per annum over 4 years 2015 -2018 – £3,000
Applicant: Broads Authority on behalf of SWT, RSPB and Natural England

For more info: Fen Raft Spider

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