Barn Owl Boxes
Once a familiar site in the Broads and surrounding villages, barn owls have become an increasingly uncommon sight. This project aims to increase the number of these wonderful birds in the Broads.
Ten barn owl boxes were successfully installed in December 2013, with the remaining seven boxes fitted in February 2014, well in advance of the breeding season.
Increasing the habitat for barn owls is particularly important in order to sustain breeding pairs. We are delighted that landowners at four of the sites have agreed to undertake further habitat improvements for barn owls including the creation of rough grassland margins.
The Love the Broads grant was also used as “match funding” for a further £2,000 from the Norfolk Biodiversity Project for an education pack. The Hawk and Owl Trust will start work on the education materials in autumn 2014, with the pack ready for 2015.
Good news – two pairs of barn owls have already moved into Love the Broads funded boxes on the River Yare
The image shows Erica Murray, Broads Authority, and Nigel Middleton, Hawk & Owl Trust, just about to erect one of the new barn owl boxes funded by Love the Broads.
Grant amount: £2,000
Applicant: Broads Authority in partnership with Hawk & Owl Trust
For more info: Broads Authority